The mission

The mission is to fulfill the great commission Mark 16:15 And he said to them, go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

The Great Commission and Ascension


To win as many souls for Jesus as possible and help prepare them for spending eternity in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ. Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever.

Everything that lives will die one day. There are two choices left after death where we spend eternity. This could be heaven or hell. Welcome to learning more about Jesus Christ. Jesus is the son of living God. Jesus came to the world to die on the cross and to open the pathway that secures our eternity in heaven with God our creator. He came to the world to die for all humanity irrespective of your country, race, age, socio–economic status.

This gift of redemption purchased by the death and blood of Jesus is not automatic. You have a choice, you either reject Jesus and spend eternity in hell or accept Jesus, forsake all your sins, and daily become his disciple. The life of a disciple is the one who lives a life of daily self-denial by forsaking all forms of sins, takes the cross and follows Jesus wholeheartedly every day for the rest of his /or her days on earth. For those who have accepted the gift of his purchased salvation on the cross. He gives us the Holy Spirit who indwells in us to empower us to love Jesus and obey all his commandments as it is written in the Holy Bible

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